The Care Leaver Covenant




Priory Gardens Surgery  commits to providing our patients living in care and leaving care additional support. We hope that the following information on this page is helpful. Should you want further support please call the Practice. 


The Care Leaver Covenant is a national inclusion programme that supports care leavers aged 16-25 to live independently.

It covers five main areas:

  • Independent Living
  • Education, Employment and Training
  • Safety and Security
  • Mental and Physical Health
  • Finance

Priory Gardens Surgery  Health and Wellbeing Coach

Priory Gardens Surgery has a Health and Wellbeing who is able to offer care leavers advice and support. Physical and mental health checks are offered to ensure care leavers’ mental health needs are recognised and fast-tracked to receive appropriate support and that individual health needs are met. Smoking cessation and signposting to sexual health, drugs and alcohol support is also available. 

Telephone: 01582 699622


Priory Gardens Surgery  Social Prescribers

Our team of social prescribers support people to improve and better manage their overall well-being by helping connect them to many community-based services and organisations available locally. It is designed for people who may be socially isolated or have practical and emotional needs that affect their health and is a FREE service.

Telephone: 01582 670003

Website: Social Prescribing


Central Bedfordshire Local Offer for Care Leavers

Our offer is to ensure all of our children and young people in Central Bedfordshire are happy, safe and healthy. Information, help and support is available on a range of issues including benefits, housing, education and training, jobs and offers from a range of nationwide providers.

Website: Local Offer for care leavers | Central Bedfordshire Council

Website: Homeless: Help for care leavers | Central Bedfordshire Council


Luton Care Leavers' Charter

A website with a wealth of information and how you will be supported when you leave care.

Website: Luton care leavers' charter


University of Bedfordshire

If you are under 25 and a care leaver the University of Bedfordshire offers a range of information and advice for you to explore.

Website: Care Experienced & Care Leavers | University of Bedfordshire


Central Bedfordshire College

At the Bedford College Group we are committed to providing the support to our students need so that everyone achieves their full potential and has an exceptional and transformational experience. The information below details the support we offer to care leavers studying on our courses and how to access this.

Website: Care Leaver | The Bedford College Group | Further and Higher Education


Children's Commissioner - Help at Hand

The Children’s Commissioner’s advice and assistance service, Help at Hand, can support children in care as they approach 18 and care leavers until they reach 25 .

Website: Help at Hand’s work with care leavers | Children's Commissioner for England


Child Law Advice

This website explains the duties of the local authority to provide services and support for children who are currently looked after or have been looked after once they reach the age of 16.

Website: Services for children leaving care


Rights 4 Children

We want you to be listened to, respected and to have a great future. Leaving care rights help ensure you get the best possible start to your adult life.

Website: Leaving care - rights4children



We want to help young people bridge the gap between living in care and independent living. 

Website: Young people leaving care | Barnardo's



Mind BLMK is delighted to be working collaboratively with Central Bedfordshire Council and the BLMK Integrated Care Board to provide bespoke mental health support for young people aged 16-25 years across Central Bedfordshire. 

Website: Mind BLMK Young Person’s Wellbeing Navigator Service



The Charity for children in care and young care leavers.

Telephone: 0800 023 2033

WhatsApp: 0786 003 4982


Website: Home Page - Become

Website: Become (children in care)


The Ferntree Support

The Ferntree is an Ofsted registered Supported Accommodation, which provides support and accommodation to vulnerable 16–18-year-old young people.  

Telephone: 07961 682309/ 07399 886232

Website: Contact (



The Care Leavers' Association

Providing advice, guidance and support so that care leavers may fulfil their potential as individuals and members of society and that their conditions of life may be improved.

Website: The Care Leavers Association